- Synthesis ยป Biochemical Synthesis
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
This automated synthesizer is used for solid phase oligonucleotide synthesis containing particular sequence of nucleotides.
Specification / Features:
- Scale of synthesis: 200nmol / 1 umol/ 10umol
- Number of columns: 6 columns
- Number of amidite positions: upto 12 amidite positions
- Number of reagent positions: 6 positions
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
User must contact the Technical operator before booking slot and discuss the experimental parameters
- Chemicals/Reagents/ solvents are to be supplied by end user.
- Argon Charges are extra. (Minimum charges are Rs 250 per day )are to be supplied by end user.
If end users do not supply chemicals, reagents/solvents, in addition to above basic charges, there will be additional charges as per the nucleotide sequence. The end-user will be provided a quotation for the same.
- The facility caters to custom incorporation of modified building blocks of DNA and RNA.
Internal User must get trained before using this Instrument.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Charges in INR:
Type of Analysis | IITB users | Academic Institutions | National R&D labs | Industries / Non Govt. Agencies |
Charges per day
| 500 | 1000* | 2500* | 10000* |
All charges in INR. GST extra for external samples.
Additional Argon gas charges: Rs 250 per day (Minimum charges are Rs 250)
These are only Instrument/ recording charges. Chemicals/Reagents/ solvents are to be supplied by end user.
Sample Details