- Diffraction » X-ray Diffraction
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
X-ray diffraction has long been the primary tool for identifying phases and determining the structures of mostly crystalline inorganic materials. It remains the most crucial material characterization technique today. With the advent of nanomaterials, XRD has been extended to measure particle size, orientation, lattice distortions, and more. Typically, XRD is the first characterization method used after synthesis to verify if the desired material has been obtained.
Make and Model
Rigaku SmartlabSE
The present model is also equipped with two stages:
- High-temperature stage - The High-Temperature Attachment (HT-XRD) can operate from ambient temperature up to 1500°C in air, up to 1450°C in a vacuum, and up to 1300°C in an inert gas.
- Electrochemical stage - An electrochemical stage with electrical feedthrough through the X-ray chamber and potentiostat for in-situ analysis for aqueous electrochemistry applications only. (NOT YET OPERATIONAL).
The X-Ray Diffraction System SmartLab SE includes the SmartLab SE Goniometer with a scanning radius of 300 mm (diameter 600 mm) and a 3 kW sealed ceramic Cu X-ray tube. The maximum tube voltage is 60 kV, and the maximum tube current is 60 mA. The DTex 250 sensor is a semiconductor strip sensor with an active area of 384 mm² (19.2 x 20 mm). The system features an automatic slit exchanger with alignment and control, along with automatic systematic error correction. The solar slits are available in 2.5 degrees and 5 degrees for the incident and diffracted beams, respectively, and are easily interchangeable. Additionally, the system includes a Ni filter. The minimum step angle is 0.0001 degrees, and the scanning angle range is -10 to +160 degrees in 2 theta.
The enclosed cabinet has doors designed for easy access and adheres to regulations for X-ray, electrical, and mechanical safety. Additionally, the system includes Data Collector software, which provides functionalities such as data acquisition in an appropriate format, tools for determining measurement strategies, configuration and measurement management, automatic processing, and data conversion and viewing capabilities for X-ray diffraction systems.
The High-Temperature Attachment (HT-XRD) can operate from ambient temperature up to 1500°C in air, up to 1450°C in a vacuum, and up to 1300°C in an inert gas. It is equipped with a JIS Type (2) thermocouple. The sample size is 13.5 x 25 x 0.5 mm. The HT-XRD attachment can only run once in a day.
- For powdered samples: Bragg -Brentano optics (Conventional divergent beam)
- High-temperature stage - Sample heating stages capable of heating from ambient to 1500C in inert or vacuum with suitable software to collect XRD scans at intermittent temperature. (OPERATIONAL)
- Electrochemical stage - An electrochemical stage with electrical feedthrough through the X-ray chamber and potentiostat for in-situ analysis for aqueous electrochemistry applications only.
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
The user must submit the duly filled and signed form along with the samples. No more than 5 samples will be accepted per user per form.
For powdered samples: kindly submit completely dried and powdered non hazardous samples only. For thin/thick films: the sample dimensions should not be more than 1cm x 1cm.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Mode | IITB Students including Monash Academy (1X) | Students from other academic institutes (1X) | National R&D Organizations including SINE/Research Park startup (1.5 X) | Industry (2X + Y) |
Normal (10o - 90o in 2θ), 5° per minute (~16 mins. scan) | ₹ 250 per sample | ₹ 250 per sample | ₹ 375 per sample | ₹ 500 + ₹ 500 = ₹ 1000 per sample |
HT-XRD # | ₹ 4000 per sample | ₹ 4000 per sample | ₹ 6000 per sample | ₹ 8000 per sample |
$ Time availability will be based on internal load.
* For user-defined/custom scan rate/dwell the charges will be ₹50/15 min./sample for 1X,
₹100/15 min./sample for 1.5 X and 2X.
# It usually takes 4-5 hours from the temperature ramp up to hold and cool down. The charge
is based on a sample basis. A maximum of 2 samples can per analyzer in a day. The user
must discuss the parameters with the faculty in charge of the facility.
1. Taxes: GST (At present 18% for National R&D Organizations including
SINE/Research Park startup and Industry)
2. No analysis will be done on the XRD data. The user will be provided the XY data in
ASCII/CSV format on a DVD/CD (to be provided by the user). No data will be
provided on USB sticks/ pen drives.
3. The user must furnish the signed analysis request form (provided below) and submit it
along with the samples.
4. Only powdered samples will be accepted. For foils/films send request to the faculty in
charge of the facility via email.
5. At a time only 5 samples will be accepted per user.
6. The rates may be revised every 6 months.
7. The facility will run on working days from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm
- Identification of unknown crystalline materials
- Characterization of crystalline materials
- Determination of crystal structures