Two-dimensional gas chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometer facility
Two-dimensional Gas Chromatography with time of flight mass spectrometer (GC-GC-TOF-MS) system with gerstel auto sampler can facilitate high end separation of volatile organic compounds in highly complex mixtures and environmental samples. The two-dimensional output helps in resolving the peak of target analytes even when matrix interferences are present. The enhanced spectral collection rate of the TOF-MS detector together with the software capabilities can help in de-convolution of co-eluting compounds.
Pegasus 4D with Agilent 7890B GC
Facility Status
Date of Installation
Facility Management Division
Institute Central Research Facilities (ICRF)


  • Chromatography » Gas Chromatography
  • Spectroscopy and Spectrometry » Mass Spectrometry

Booking Details

Booking available for
Internal and External Both
Available Mode for Use
Liquid/gas injection
Cooled injection system and thermal desorption unit (CIS-TDU)
Headspace injection
Stir bar sorptive extraction (twister)
solid phase micro-extraction (SPME) Pyrolysis

Facility Management Team and Location

Faculty In Charge
Prof. Suryendu Dutta,, +91-22-2576 7278
Facility Manager
Ms. Mursaleen Shaikh,, 022 2159 6376
Facility Operator
Ms. Mursaleen Shaikh,, 022 2159 6376
Prof. Suparna Mukherji
Prof. P P Wangikar
Prof. Seethamraju Srinivasr
Prof. Subramaniam Chandramouli
LAB Email ID
Facility Location
Room No. 114, Ground floor, Centre for Research in Nanotechnology and Science
Lab Phone No
022 2159 6376

Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications

Features Working Principle


  • High resolution gas chromatographic separation can be achieved for complex samples, when operated in 2-D mode.
  • Independent temperature programming for each of the columns possible
  • MS can collect > 20 full range spectra across a 50ms GC peak
  • High dynamic range can be achieved

Working Principle:

The GC-GC-TOF-MS facility was installed in Centre for Research in Nanotechnology and Science (CRNTS) in January 2016 as a Central Facility as per RIFC norms. The facility is available for meeting the research needs of all IIT Bombay internal users.

It can perform all analysis that a typical GC-TOF-MS can perform. Its particular benefit is for analysis of organic compounds from complex mixtures and environmental samples where high end separation is involved. It involves two columns (that can achieve separation based on different attributes). A thermal modulator ensures cryo focusing of effluent from the first column before its release to the second column. The two-dimensional output helps in resolving the peak of target analytes even when matrix interferences are present. The enhanced spectral collection rate of the TOF-MS detector together with the software capabilities can help in de-convolution of co-eluting compounds.

Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions, Precautionary Measures and Charges

Instructions for Registration

Instruction for Sample Preparation

Analysis should be discussed with facility in-charge before proceeding.. Prior literature review for similar sample analysis is recommended for better quality results Users should register online through IRCC webpage Appointment will be given as per queue and user would be informed by e-mail. If an appointment is given but the user cannot come an e-mail should be immediately sent to to cancel his/her slot. USB drives are not allowed for copying data to minimize virus related issues. Instead, data must be copied in a new blank CD.


  • Environmental.
  • Geochemistry
  • Biological
  • Chemical/Chemistry

Sample Details

Substrate Dimension

The sample should be free of particulates of size > 0.45 μm

SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details

