- Material Characterization » Thermal Characterisation
Booking Details
Rate of temperature : 10°C /Min to 20°C/Min.
Gas: Helium flow 300 ml/Min for TGMS and N2 for TGA.
Sample Form: Powder
Facility Management Team and Location
email ID:- nagarkarss@iitb.ac.in,
Contact No:- 022-2576 7190
email ID:- darshansmhatre@iitb.ac.in,
Contact No:- 022-2576 4159
Prof. Sanjog S. Nagarkar.
Prof. Srinivasan Ramakrishnan.
Prof. Guruswamy Kumaraswamy (Chemical Eng.)
Prof. Narendra Shiradkar (Electrical Eng.)
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
The Thermo Gravimetric Mass Analyzer (TG-MS) features a skimmer-type interface combined with fragment-free photoionization technology, enabling the measurement of molecules without destruction. The system's high-precision gas introduction interface and soft photoionization technology allow real-time discrimination and analysis of generated gases, even when multiple components are present simultaneously. This advanced configuration is ideal for analyzing complex gas mixtures during thermogravimetric experiments.
TG-MS, a simultaneous technology coupling thermogravimetry (TG)—which determines mass change as a function of temperature—and mass spectrometry (MS), is a typical method in evolved gas analysis (EGA).
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
An appointment will be given as per the queue and will be informed by email.
New users are requested to contact the facility before registration.
At least 48 hrs prior information should be given to facility lab if users want to cancel/postpone the slot
1) Sample form: powder (~25 mg).
2) The analysis can't be carried out if the temperature range and the heating rate are not specified.
3) Explosive, poisonous samples and samples giving rise to toxic/obnoxious gases/fumes on heating cannot be undertaken for Thermal Analysis.
4) The sample holders are of Aluminum (Al) and Platinum (Pt). The user must ensure that samples will not react with crucible materials during Thermal Analysis.
In order to safeguard the instrument from the damage it is absolutely essential that you must state the decomposition products associated with the heating cycle of your sample. Any functional group which might potentially explode, or form foams is strictly not allowed (Representative examples are Azide, Perchlorate, poly-nitro or nitrogen-rich compounds, etc.) Explosive, poisonous samples and samples giving rise to toxic/obnoxious gases/fumes on heating cannot be undertaken for Thermal Analysis.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Internal Users | TGA: |
1. Rs. 50 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 100 Rs/hour/sample. | |
TGA-MS: | |
1. Rs. 100 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 200 Rs/hour/sample. | |
External Users (Academic) | TGA: |
1. Rs. 100 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 200 Rs/hour/sample. | |
TGA-MS: | |
1. Rs. 400 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 500 Rs/hour/sample. | |
External Users (National R&D labs) | TGA: |
1. Rs. 500 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 700 Rs/hour/sample. | |
TGA-MS: | |
1. Rs. 750 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 1200 Rs/hour/sample. | |
External Users (Industry & | TGA: |
1. Rs. 750 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 1000 Rs/hour/sample. | |
TGA-MS: | |
1. Rs. 1000 per sample for standard measurement 30-500 °C @ 10°C/min. | |
2. For measurements >500 °C the charges will be 1200 Rs/hour/sample. | |
Note: 70 % of instrument time will be reserved for internal samples. |
TGA / TG-MS analysis
Sample Details
Powder form
Sample should be in pure form