Thermogravimetric Differential Thermal Analyzer
Request form for external booking (Sample and analysis details)
MSDS-TGDTA_0.pdf (594.52 KB)
Request form for internal booking (Sample and analysis details)
MSDS-TGDTA.pdf (594.52 KB)
Facility Status
Date of Installation
Facility Management Division
Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF)



  • Material Characterization » Thermal Characterisation

Booking Details

Booking available for
Internal and External Both
Available Equipment/ Mode of use
Temperature Range : Regular use : RT to 1300 ℃; Scanning Rates : 0.1 to 100 ℃ DTA Measurement range : ± 1000 µV Gas Type : N2, Air, Ar, O2 Gas Flow rates : 50 to 500 ml/min Auto sampler : 50 samples
Temperature Range : RT to 1450 ℃ for Special Requirements

Facility Management Team and Location

Facility In Charge
Prof. Anindya Datta, Head, Centre for Sophisticated Instruments and Facilities (CSIF),
022- 2576-7691
Facility Manager
Dr. Nutan Agadi
022- 2159-6889
Facility Operator
Aradhana Naudiyal, Meenal Hande
Lab Email ID
Facility Location
Room No. 403, 1st Floor CSIF Building
Lab Phone No
022-2159 6866/89

Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications

Facility Description

Facility Description

The Nexta STA300 has a temperature range from ambient to 1450 ℃, with horizontal digital dual beam balance system.

The TGDTA Instrument measures weight loss and thermal properties of a sample in a single experiment as a function of temperature. 

Features Working Principle

Simultaneous Thermogravimetric Analysis is a method in which thermogravimetry and differential thermal analysis are combined and measured simultaneously by a single apparatus.

Thermogravimetry (TGA) is a technique that measures mass change in a sample as a function of time and temperature, and it is used to detect evaporation, decomposition, oxidation and other effects of temperature change that cause mass changes. 

Differential Thermal Analysis (DTA) measures the temperature difference between a sample and a reference as the temperature is increased. Changes in the sample, either exothermic or endothermic, can be detected relative to the inert reference. Thus, a DTA curve provides data on the transformations that have occurred, such as glass transitions, crystallization, melting and sublimation.

Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures

Instructions for Registration
  • Only online registration through the CSIF webpage will be accepted.
  • Slots will be provided as per the queue. If the appointment is given but the user cannot come, a mail should be immediately sent to [at] iitb [dot] ac [dot] in to cancel his/her slot.
  • Data will be sent to the registered mail ID. USB drives are not allowed due to computer virus problems. 
  • MSDS form has to be filled and uploaded.
  • External users have to upload proof of payment.
Instruction for Sample Preparation
  • At least 30-40 mg of sample should be submitted.
  • Sample size should be < 5mm in diameter and < 2.5mm in thickness.
  • Samples containing halogens should not be sent and will not be accepted for analysis.
  • Samples containing corrosive substances that will react with Aluminium/Platinum/Ceramic pans should not be sent for analysis by TG-DTA.
  • Samples should not be toxic or hazardous.
  • Radioactive material, unstable and explosive compounds are not accepted for analysis.
  • Interpretation of spectra is NOT undertaken.
  • Samples containing alkali metal oxides, hydroxides, heavy metals, alkali metal halides, nitrates, or large amounts of sulphur heated in a platinum crucible can erode the crucible.
  • If heavy metals like lead, bismuth, tin, arsenic, silver, mercury, copper, Selenium, tellurium, etc. are present then do specify them in the MSDS form.
User Instructions and Precautionary Measures

Charges (including 18% GST) *For Thermal Analysis, standard ramp is 10 ℃/min. Heating rates less than standard rate will be charged by hours:

 AcademicNational LabIndustryIIT Bombay
 Heating Program: Temp. Range @ 10 ℃/minRs.Rs.Rs.Rs.
 RT - 600 ℃  944  2832  4720  400
 RT - 800 ℃  1180  3540  5900  500
 RT - 1000 ℃  1534  4602  7670  650
 RT - 1200 ℃  1888  5664  9440  800
 RT - 1450 ℃  2360  7080  11800  1000



Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories


  • Changes in mass due to decomposition, oxidation, evaporation, or combustion.
  • Volatilization rate of materials, Moisture content & Solvent content 
  • Thermal Stability for quality assurance and safety purposes.
  • Kinetics analysis.
  • Additives, Polymer content, Filler content, etc. 
  • Glass transitions, Endothermic(Melting) and Exothermic reactions (Crystallization)



Sample Details

Chemical allowed

Non-explosive, non-corrosive, non-toxic, halogen-free, non-carcinogenic.

Allowed Substrate

The sample size should be preferably in powder/liquid form or small granules.


Gases allowed

Nitrogen, Argon, Oxygen and Air

Substrate Dimension

The sample size should be less than

  • 4 mm in diameter and
  • 2.5mm in thickness.
  • Powder and liquid samples preferred
Target dimension


Contamination remarks


Precursors/ Targets allowed


SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details

Training and Other Policy Documents
