- Spectroscopy and Spectrometry » Optical Spectroscopy
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
It enables to monitor reaction progression in situ and in real time, providing highly specific information about kinetics, mechanism, pathways, and the influence of reaction variables on performance.
Using ReactIR, directly track reactants, reagents, intermediates, products, and by-products as they change, in real time throughout the reaction.
Accessories/ Specification:
- Software: iC IR
- Detector: TE MCT
- Optical Range: 4000 - 800 cm-1
- Probe optical window: 2500 – 650 cm-1
- Probe: 9.5mm x 1.5m x 305mm,
- Wetted materials: Au, Diamond, C-22
- pH range for probe: 1-14
- Temperature Range for probe : upto 180 degrees
- Pressure: upto 69 bar
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
User must contact technical operator before booking the slot. User must give all information about the reaction/ solution involved to technical operator.
- User must provide all solvent, solutions involved required for the reaction
- User must give all information about the reaction/ solution involved to technical operator.
- User must ensure that reaction should not contain chemicals like strong acids, bases, cyanides, Fluorides, peroxides, explosive/ corrosive chemicals etc which affect to instrument probe.
- User must provide all solvent, solutions involved required for the reaction
- User must give all information about the reaction/ solution involved to technical operator.
- User must ensure that reaction should not contain chemicals like strong acids, bases, cyanides, Fluorides, peroxides, explosive/ corrosive chemicals etc which affect to instrument probe.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Charges in INR:
Analysis | IITB users | Academic Institutions | National R&D labs | Industries / Non Govt Agencies |
Charges per day | 100 | 400 | 1000 | 10000 |
Note: These are only instrument charges. Chemicals/ reagents/ solvents required for reactions are to be supplied by end user. For External Samples, along with basic charges, GST will be applicable.
- It enables to monitor reaction progression in situ and in real time, providing highly specific information about kinetics, mechanism, pathways, and the influence of reaction variables on performance.
- Using ReactIR, directly track reactants, reagents, intermediates, products, and by-products as they change, in real time throughout the reaction.
Sample Details