Protein Crystallography Facility
Protein Crystallography Facility
R-Axis IV++
Facility Status
Facility Management Division
Institute Central Research Facilities (ICRF)


  • Diffraction » Single Crystal XRD: Protein

Booking Details

Booking available for
Internal and External Both
Available Mode for Use
Screen protein and DNA/RNA crystals for preliminary diffraction to improve quality Solve structure of know protein structures with ligands (molecular replacement) (inhibitors, substrates, nucleic acids etc.)
Solve structure of new bio-molecules by using heavy atom derivatization (Hg, lanthanides etc.) (isomorphous replacement) Fibre diffraction of bio-fibres (amyloids). Difficult small molecule structure, source is Cu Kα

Facility Management Team and Location

Faculty In Charge
Prof. Ruchi Anand
Facility Manager
Prof. Prasenjit Bhaumik
Prof. Ashutosh Kumar
Prof. Abhijit Majumder
Prof. R Murugavel
Prof. Subhabrata Dhar
Prof. I Samajdar
LAB Email ID
Facility Location
Room No. 103, Ground floor, Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (S.A.I.F), I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076.
Lab Phone No

Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications

Features Working Principle

X-Ray diffraction Automated crystallization set up facility Automate crystal visualization camera.

  • X-Ray diffraction
  • Automated crystallization set up facility
  • Automate crystal visualization camera

Working Princple

In the present world of science, X-ray crystallography is the most widely used technique for determination of structures of biological macromolecules. This technique allows us to determine macromolecule structures that provides a detailed understanding of the interactions occurring at the molecular levels. Structure based drug design, study of protein-ligand interactions and structure-function relationships are the major fields where X-ray crystallography acts as a major tool. X-Ray crystallography is an experimental technique that exploits the fact that X-rays are diffracted by crystals as they have a wavelength (in Å ~10-10 m) corresponding to the size of an atom

Principle of X-ray diffraction

Each crystal has its unit cell parameters (a,b,c and α, β, γ) and in a crystal lattice infinite sets of plane can be drawn from the lattice points. These planes can be considered as source of diffraction and designated by set of miller indices. According to Braggs laws, when a wavelength (λ nm) with an angle θ passes through a crystal (which has a set of equivalent planes with hkl) a diffracted beam with the same angle is produced from which we can calculate the d spacing of the planes.

Bragg's law

                nλ = 2dsinθ

                Where    n : Order of diffracted beam
                              d : Spacing between two adjacent planes of atoms
                              λ : Wavelength of incident X-ray
                              θ : Angle of incidence of X-ray

The sets of d and intensities from protein crystals come in a unique diffraction pattern. 

Body Specification

Diffractometer : 

  • Maximum rated output : 1.2 kW
  • Rated tube voltage-current : 40kV; 30mA
  • Target : Cu
  • Radiation enclosure : Full safety shielding with plastic shield
  • Scanning mode : 0 - 180o ω scan: 0-180 θ scan
  • Optics : Multilayer confocal type
  • Detector : Rigaku R Axis IV ++
  • Beam size at the sample : 100 µm

Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions, Precautionary Measures and Charges

Instructions for Registration

Only online registration through the IRCC webpage will be accepted. The users will be informed about their date and time of slot by email. If the appointment is given but the user cannot come, a mail should be immediately sent to to cancel his/her slot.

Instruction for Sample Preparation
  • Well isolated protein crystals obtained via sitting/hanging drop method.
  • Crystals flash frozen in liquid nitrogen using appropriate cryo-protectant and maintained in a Dewar can also be provided.
  • The user has to come with prepared Cryo-protectant solutions.
  • Coverslips, bridges for soaking and loops appropriate for your proteins will be provided only on request.
User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
  • At the time of X-ray diffraction of crystal, the user should be present.
  • Images of diffraction will be given in CD format. Please bring your own CD. USB drives are strictly not allowed due to virus threat.
  • Samples and Measurement data should be collected as soon as the diffraction gets completed with a maximum duration of one week.


  • Crystal structure determination of proteins and their complexes by molecular replacement method
  • Crystal structure determination of proteins by heavy atom isomorphous replacement

Sample Details

SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details

