- Material Characterization » Chemical Characterisation
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
The Sunset Lab Analyser quantifies the carbonaceous species of particulate matter collected on quartz filters through the utilization of the most trusted analytical methods available.Total, Organic, Elemental and Carbonate Carbon species quantified. Thermal-optical method can utilize transmittance or reflectance optical correction. Precision regulated automated gas flow control system provides improved flow stability. High sensitivity and robust detector options. Integrated external standard utilized in every analysis
Compliant with all accepted protocols, including NIOSH 5040, EU EN 16909:2017, USEPA VARIAnT, and IMPROVE A. Flame Ionization Detector (FID).
Measurement range: Total carbon: 0.20 – 600 µg cm-2, Organic Carbon: 0.20 – 600 µg cm-2, Elemental Carbon: 0.20 – 30 µg cm-2, Detection limit: 0.10 µg cm-2
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
An appointment will be given as per queue and will be informed by email.
New users are requested to contact ESED lab before registration.
At least 24 hours prior information should be given to ESED lab if users want to cancel/postpone the slot.
Filter paper desiccation
1. A requisition letter addressed to Head, ESED along with a printout of electronic fund transfer (NEFT) proof should be sent by post or submitted in person to ESED office, IIT Bombay, Powai, Mumbai-400076.
2. If you are sending samples by post please mention sample details:
a. Nature of sample (conducting OR non conducting)
3. Once we receive the requisition letter and advance payment, your appointment will be scheduled as per the queue.
4. The users will be informed about their date and time of slot by e-mail.
5. The sample size should be 47 mm diameter only quartz (No GFA and Teflon)
6. We prefer that you or your representative, who knows/understands the sample/material should be present on the day of appointment.
7. Before proceeding further, please review How to Use Facility and Payment Procedure for more information.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
A. Non-ESED IITB users: INR 500/sample (analysis cost*). (X = 500/sample*) B. Other academic institutes: INR 1,000+GST/sample C. National labs/start-up (SINE Incubation): INR 2,500+GST/sample D. Monash-IITB: INR 500+GST/sample E. For Indian industries/consultancy: INR 5,000+GST/sample, respectively F. For SAARC/African/low-income countries: Academic: INR 2,500+GST/sample Industries: INR 5,000+GST/sample G. For others: Academic: INR 5,000+GST/sample Industries: 10,000+GST/sample
*Without staff salary |
Air quality filter samples analysis
Sample Details
Quartz filters
Helium (UHP)
10% Oxygen in Helium
5% Methane in Helium
Zero Air
1.5 cm 2