- Material Characterization » Mechanical Characterisation
- Material Characterization » Thermal Characterisation
Booking Details
Gleeble 3800 :
- Flow Stress Uniaxial Compression
- Plain Strain Compression
- Diffusion Bonding
- Round Tensile Testing
- Flat Tensile Testing
- Strip Annealing
- Welding Simulation
DIL805A/D :
- Heating and Cooling cycles
- Alpha Measurement (Ceramics, Metals)
- Sub-Zero Alpha Measurement
- Deformation
Facility Management Team and Location
Prof. I Samajdar
Prof. K Narasimhan
Prof. N N Viswanathan
Prof. Sushil Mishra
Prof. Chandra S. Yerramalli
Prof. Prakash Nanthagopalan
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
1. Dynamic Systems Inc. (DSI), Gleeble 3800 system, USA
- Controlled deformation at different heating (10,0000C/s) and cooling (~6500C/s)
- Physical simulations for all fabrication and thermo-mechanical processing.
- Strain rate: 10^-3 to 100
- Atmosphere: Vacuum, Ambient air, Argon, Nitrogen
- Cooling conditions: Water Quenching, Forced Air Cooling, Forced Argon Cooling
2. TA Instruments-DIL 805A/D, Germany
- Accurate (0.05 μm & 0.05 0C) identification of all transformations
- Controlled simulations for investigation of microstructural evolution
- Strain rate: 10^-3 to 10^-1
- Atmosphere: Vacuum, Ambient air, Argon, Nitrogen, Helium
- Cooling conditions: Argon, Nitrogen, Helium Cooling
DIL 805A Quenching Dilatometer – Measurement Principle
The DIL 805A/D is used to observe dimensional changes under extreme conditions of controlled heating and cooling. A solid or a hollow sample is inductively heated to a temperature plateau and is then continuously cooled with different (linear or exponential) rates. The phase transformation occurring in the continuous cooling process or in the isothermal plateau (which may also be a multi-step transition) is indicated by the measured change of length. An array of cooling curves represent a continuous or an isothermal TTT diagram (Time-Temperature- Transformation diagram). The beginning and end of the transformation indicate the alloy phase boundaries, e.g. ferrite, carbide, graphite, pearlite, bainite, martensite or other eutectoid phase batches.
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
- The sample should be free from rust.
The sample should be in the given standard dimensions.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Type of Users/Type of Tests | IITB Students (1X) | Students from other Academic Institutes (3X) | National R&D Organizations (6X) | Small scale industry (8X) | Large scale industry (10X) |
Temperature below 1200⁰C | |||||
Flow Stress/Plane Strain Test with air cooling/normal cooling |
500 |
1500 |
3000 |
4000 |
5000 |
Flow Stress / Plane Strain Test with water quenching |
750 |
2250 |
4500 |
6000 |
7500 |
Tensile Test | 400 | 1200 | 2400 | 3200 | 4000 |
HAZ Simulation | 400 | 1200 | 2400 | 3200 | 4000 |
Heat Treatment 1.Up to 2hrs 2.Up to 4hrs |
250 350 |
750 1050 |
1500 2100 |
2000 2800 |
2500 3500
Charges for other tests such as Nil Strength, Strip Annealing, Dilatometry will be provided on demand. Please note the above charges are exclusive of GST. These will be charged extra for external samples.
Temperature above 1200⁰C | |||||
Flow Stress/Plane Strain Test with air cooling/normal cooling |
600 |
1800 |
3600 |
4800 |
6000 |
Flow Stress / Plane Strain Test with water quenching |
800 |
2400 |
4800 |
6400 |
8000 |
Hot Ductility |
750 |
2250 |
4500 |
6000 |
7500 |
Continuous Casting | 750 | 2250 | 4500 | 6000 | 7500 |
HAZ Simulation | 500
| 1500 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 |
Heat Treatment Up to 2hrs Up to 4hrs |
300 400 |
900 1200 |
1800 2400 |
2400 3200 |
3000 4000 |
Charges for other tests such as Nil Strength, Strip Annealing, Dilatometry will be provided on demand.
Please note the above charges are exclusive of GST. These will be charged extra for external samples. |
Type of Users/Type of Tests | IITB Students (1X) | Students from other Academic Institutes (3X) | National R&D Organizations (6X) | Small scale industry (8X) | Large scale industry (10X) |
Temperature up to 1400⁰C | |||||
Quenching using Argon/Nitrogen/Helium 2hrs 8hrs >12hrs up to 30hrs |
250 350 800 |
750 1050 2400 |
1500 2100 4800 |
2000 2800 6400 |
2500 3500 8000 |
Deformation: Low strength alloy High Strength alloy |
350 500 |
1050 1500 |
2100 3000 |
2800 4000 |
3500 5000 |
Sub-zero Test | 500 | 1500 | 3000 | 4000 | 5000 |
Alpha-measurement | 600 | 1800 | 3600 | 4800 | 6000 |
- Instrument Details: Gleeble 3800 Thermomechanical Simulator Thermal Cycles and Heat Treatments Flow Stress & plane strain Compression Testing Melting & Solidification Strain Induced Crack Opening (SICO) Procedure Strip Annealing Process Simulation Instrument Details.
- Dilatometer Quenching Mode to Determine Phase Transformations Deformation Mode for Hot compression Sub-zero Module for quenching below room temperature Alpha Measuring System Heating Ring for Non-thermally Conductive Samples.
Sample Details
Gleeble 3800
Flow Stress Compression:
- Diameter 10.00mm, Length 15.00mm
- Diameter 8.00mm, Length 12.00mm
Plane Strain Compression: Length 10.00mm, Width 15.00 mm, Height 20.00mm
Round Tensile:
- Diameter 10.00mm, Length 106.50mm;
- Diameter 6.00mm Length 103.50mm
Flat Tensile:
- Length 103.00mm, Width 12.70mm, Gauge Length 10.00mm, Gauge Width 6.35mm
Strip Annealing:
- Length 203.21mm, Width 50.00mm, Thickness 2.00mm
- Length 240.00 mm Width 50.00mm Thickness 2.20mm
Heating, Alpha, Subzero = Dia- 4.00mm, Length - 10.00mm
Deformation = Dia - 5.00mm, Length - 10.00mm
SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details
1) Manil Raj, Bidyapati Mishra, Umesh M. Ahire, Haripria T. Padmaganesan, M.J.N.V. Prasad, K. Narasimhan, “Microstructure and mechanical response of dissimilar joint of ferritic interstitial-free steel to austenitic low-density steel produced by diffusion bonding,” Materials Science & Engineering A 856 (2022) 144020 (1-14).
2) Aditya Sarkar, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, and M.J.N.V. Prasad, “Effect of deformation mode on hot deformation characteristics and microstructural evolution in Cu-Cr-Zr-Ti alloy,” Materials Characterization 186 (2022) 111813 (1-10).
3) Manil Raj, M.J.N.V. Prasad and K. Narasimhan, “Effect of bonding temperature and interlayer(s) on microstructure evolution, hardness, and shear properties of diffusion bonded Ti-6Al-4V alloys,” Materials Performance and Characterization 11 (2022) 264-280.
4) Aditya Prakash, Tawqeer Nasir Tak, Namit N. Pai, Harita Seekala, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, P. S. Phani, Sivasambu Mahesh, P. J. Guruprasad and Indradev Samajdar (2023): Inception of Macroscopic Shear Bands During Hot Working of Aluminum Alloys, IJP, In Press.
5) S. Kumar, S. Manda, S. K. Giri, S Kundu, S. Karagadde, R. Balamuralikrishnan, SVS N Murty, C. R. Anoop and I. Samajdar (2023): Relating Martensite Variant Selection with Prior Austenite Microstructure: A Coupled Study of Experiments and Pixel-by-Pixel Reconstruction, Mater. Charac., 199, 112822.
6) Sanjay Manda, Saurabh Kumar, Kaushik Pal, Arup R. Bhattacharyya, Ajay S. Panwar and Indradev Samajdar (2023): Snoek-Dominated Internal Friction Response in bcc Steel: Relating Experiments with a Multi-Scale Atomistic Computational Framework, MMTA, 54A, 562-576
7) M. I. Khan, A. Sarkar, H. K. Mehtani, P. Raut, A. Prakash, M.J.N.V. Prasad, I. Samajdar, and S. Parida (2022): Microstructure and Aqueous Corrosion in Carbon Steel: An Emerging Correlation, Mater. Chem. Phys., 126623, 1-13
8) Aditya Prakash, Tawqeer Nasir Tak, Abu Anand, Namit N. Pai, S.V.S. Narayana Murty, Chandra Veer Singh, P. J. Guruprasad and Indradev Samajdar (2022): Mechanistic Origin of Orientation Dependent Substructure Evolution in Aluminum and Aluminum-Magnesium Alloys, MMTA, 53A, 2689-2707
9) Riya Mondal, Parvej Raut, Sunil Kumar Bonagani, Saurabh Kumar, P.V. Sivaprasad, G. Chai, V. Kain and I. Samajdar (2022): Relating Hot deformed Microstructures and Corrosion Performance in a Super Duplex Stainless Steel, JMEPEG, 31, 1478-1492
10) Namit Pai, Indradev Samajdar, Anirban Patra, “Study of orientation-dependent residual strains during tensile and cyclic deformation of an austenitic stainless steel”, International Journal of Plasticity, Vol. 185, 2025, 104228.