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Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
Liquefaction of Nitrogen gas
Features :
LN2 Plant – 50LPH (StirLIN-4) Chiller Cooling capacity 48 kW Refrigerant R407C Suction/Discharge pressure 4.2/14 barg Suction temperature 11.7℃ Cryogenerator Cryogenerator power 45 kW Production capacity 50 lph Refrigeration capacity 4.4 kW@65K Working gas Helium Filling pressure 22 barg@50Hz Liquid nitrogen purity >99% Air compressor Compressor type Screw Motor power 25 Max Working pressure 12 barg LN2 Plant – 100LPH (StirLIN-8) Chiller Cooling capacity 108 kW Refrigerant R410A Suction/Discharge pressure 10/27 barg Suction temperature 11.7℃ Cryogenerator Cryogenerator power 90 kW Production capacity 100 lph Refrigeration capacity 8.8 kW@65K Working gas Helium Filling pressure 22 barg@50Hz Liquid nitrogen purity >99% Air compressor Compressor type Screw Motor power 45 Max Working pressure 12 barg
Working principle:
Liquid Nitrogen plant :
The Stirling Liquid Nitrogen plant (StirLIN-4) is used to produce liquid nitrogen. The nitrogen is separated from compressed ambient air (consisting of 78 % nitrogen) using adsorption desorption process. Subsequently, the nitrogen is condensed and stored as liquid in storage container under positive pressure.
Main parts of helium plant
- Air compressor
- Air vessel
- Dryer
- Pressure Swing Adsorption system
- Nitrogen Vessel
- Cryogenerator
- Dewar
Liquid Helium Plant :
Liquefier (Cold Box)
The process gas (Helium) compressed and isentropic expansion in an open cycle via Turbo-Expanders until the Helium temperature falls below inversion temperature. Then isenthalpic expansion in Joule-Thomson device and helium gas is liquefied, stored in dewar at slightly above atmospheric pressure.
Main parts of helium plant
- Recirculation compressor
- Oil removal System
- Buffer Vessel
- Cold Box
- Dewar
- Recovery gas bag
- Recovery compressor
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
- The users are requested to apply in IRCC central facility registration Here! Either before coming to collect the liquid nitrogen or at the time of collection.
- Faculties, Students, and Project staff can apply in this portal. As of now, Institute staff are not allowed. The students who are not able to apply can ask their friends and lab mates to apply and choose the faculty of the students who require LN2.
- In the meantime, they can mail software@ircc.iitb.ac.in their issue & get it rectified.
- Contact the Cryogenics lab for any issues. Extn:3719
Users need to bring LN2 cryogenic dewar
Users should follow Cryogenics safety requirements.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Rs. 12/- per Liter of LN2
- Cryopreservation of cells and microbes.
- Liquid Helium plant for pre-cooling
- NMR to prevent heat leaks
- High-temperature superconductors
- Material Property testing at Low temperature etc.
Sample Details
SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details
- Performance evaluation of sintered and stacked mesh regenerator for Stirling cycle based LN2 plant. Praveen Topagi, S. Prabhakara, M. D. Atrey, S. L. Bapat. NSCS-28, IIT Kharagpur 2022
- Case study of sintered regenerator performance in StirLIN-4 nitrogen liquefier. Praveen Topagi, S. Prabhakara, S. L. Bapat, M.D. Atrey. NSCS-27, IIT Bombay, 2019