- Chromatography » Liquid Chromatography
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
Analytical HPLC is used to determine sample purity and develop the purification method for semi-preparation chromatography.
Semi preparative chromatography is carried out under low backpressures with bigger inner diameter columns and bigger particle size by passing mobile phases at high flow rates. It is used to purify and collect component of interest from all other contaminants in sample.
Specification / Features:
1. It can be used for analytical as well as Semi-Prep analysis depending upon column used and mode selected.
2. LC-20AR Pump is capable of using Single solvent with max. flow upto 20mL/ min.
3. Autosampler (SIL-20AC HT) is available for Analytical mode which introduces a precise aliquot of a sample solution from a sample container to HPLC column. For Prep Mode, sample is injected manually (max. 1mL)
4. Fraction collector module (FRC-10A): it collects fractions even when the peak elution time varies, by catching the target component according to variations in the chromatogram.
5. Column Oven (CTO-20AC): It can regulate the temperature in a range going from 10 degrees below room temperature to 85 °C.
6. PDA detector (SPD-M20A): It can detect entire Wavelength range of 190 nm - 800 nm simultaneously
7. Following Reverse Phase columns are available with system
a) Shim Pack GIST C18, 5um, 4.6 x 250
b) Shim Pack GIST C18, 5um, 10 x 250
c) Shim Pack GIST C18, 5um, 20 x 250
Only compatible with water-soluble samples of biomolecules.
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
User must contact Technical operator before booking the slot and discuss about experiment parameters
- . Only compatible with water-soluble samples of biomolecules.
- Charges for chemicals/ reagents/solvents are extra or to be supplied by end user
- User is expected to know the details about method and column to be used.
- Internal Users are supposed to bring all chemicals required for the experiment.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Type of Analysis | IITB users | Academic Institutions | National R&D labs | Industries / Non Govt. Agencies |
Charges per sample (each Single recording) for analytical Mode | 100 | 300 | 750 | 1500 |
Charges for Semi-Prep mode run per hour
| 250 | 1000 | 2000 | 4000 |
All charges in INR. These are only Instrument / recording charges. Charges for chemicals/ reagents/solvents are extra or to be supplied by end user. For external samples in addition to above basic charges, prevailing GST will be added.
Sample Details