Lattice Light Sheet Microscopy Facility
Request form for external booking (Sample and analysis details)
Request form for internal booking (Sample and analysis details)
Internal form.pdf (162.77 KB)
3i Lattice Light Sheet Microscope
Facility Status
Date of Installation
Facility Management Division
Centre for Sophisticated Instruments and Facilities (CSIF)



  • Microscopy and Imaging » Optical Microscopy

Booking Details

Booking available for
Internal and External Both
Available Equipment/ Mode of use
3D & 4D Imaging

Facility Management Team and Location

Facility In Charge
Prof. Roop Mallik (Convenor BSBE)
Contact: 022-2576 7769
Facility Operator
Dr. Debayan Purkait
Contact: +91-22-2576 6719
Facility Management Members

Prof. Roop Mallik (Convenor BSBE)
Prof. Anirban Banerjee (BSBE)
Prof. Shamik Sen (BSBE)
Prof. Arindam Chowdhury (Chemistry)
Prof. Nitin Kumar (Physics)

Biosciences and Bioengineering
Lab Email ID
Facility Location
Imaging Facility, Ground Floor, Department of Biosciences & Bioengineering (BSBE), I.I.T. Bombay, Powai, Mumbai – 400076
Lab Phone No

Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications

Facility Description

Facility Description

The 3i LLSM is designed for imaging cells and small organisms (e.g. Zebrafish embryos and larvae) with very low photo-toxicity. The 3i LLSM provides high-speed, real-time 4D imaging of biological processes with comparable resolution and contrast of a confocal microscope.

Features Working Principle

 The Lattice Light Sheet Microscope (LLSM) is capable of imaging biological systems spanning four orders of magnitude in space and time. The system generates an optical lattice to create an ultra-thin light sheet to image biological samples over long periods of time and with very fine resolution. This allows for 4D living cell imaging, where experiments limited to seconds or minutes on other imaging platforms can be extended to hours. LLSM uses ultra-thin sheets of light to image 3D cellular dynamics for hundreds of volumes at dozens of frames per second at diffraction-limited resolution. An extremely sensitive primary objective coupled with a custom- designed illumination system allows optical sectioning using extremely low photon doses for imaging with unprecedented duration.

Body Specification

Resolution (along X, Y & Z axis) ~ 350 nm x 350 nm x 650 nm (488 nm laser)

Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures

Instructions for Registration

Users must contact the facility operator and then book an imaging slot through the IRCC portal. 

Instruction for Sample Preparation

All samples must be prepared on a 5 mm circular coverslip. 

User Instructions and Precautionary Measures

Users must follow all the instructions given in the IRCC registration portal and must be present during the imaging session. 

Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories

Usage Charges

Instructions for Payment of User Fee:

Charges for the LLSM Facility : (Subject to periodic revision)

User Category

Charges Per Imaging Slot (1 slot = 2 hours)

Internal Users of IIT-B

INR 1,000/- (exclusive of GST)

     External Academic Institutions    

INR 2,000/- (exclusive of GST)

External National R&D Labs

INR 5,000/- (exclusive of GST)

Industry & Non-Govt. Agency

INR 10,000/- (exclusive of GST)

Note: GST rates are applicable for all the users. If the recipient of the data/report is from Maharashtra, 9% SGST and 9% CGST will be applicable. If the recipient of the data/report is from outside Maharashtra, 18% IGST will be applicable. Above Charges include the cost of 5 coverslips (5 mm) which will be provided to the user by the facility and access to Cell Culture Equipment in BSBE, IIT Bombay.


  • Live and fixed cell imaging.

Sample Details

Substrate Dimension

Must fit on 5 mm glass coverslip

SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details
