- Spectroscopy and Spectrometry » Mass Spectrometry
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
1. This an analytical instrument which combines an Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP) with a single quadrupole mass spectrometer.
2. It can detect and measure the concentration of trace elements including rare-earth elements (REE) in different materials.
3. The plasma atomises and then ionises the elements present in the sample. These ions are then sequentially separated and detected by the mass spectrometer.
4. The instrument covers the mass range of 2–290 amu.
5. It has high sensitivity and can detect up to 10 ppt of many of the trace elements.
6. Materials can be introduced into the plasma in either of the two ways: (a) Weakly acidic or neutral aqueous solution; and (b) Ablated particles produced by laser ablation.
1. Plasma is generated by a plasma torch. An RF (Radio-Frequency) generator creates oscillating magnetic field inside the torch, through which argon gas flows.
2. A high voltage spark supplied through Tesla coil ionizes the argon gas. The argon ions travel in closed annular paths within the oscillating magnetic field and collide with other argon atoms. This causes Ohmic heating of the gas to 6,000–10,000 K in different parts of the plasma.
3. Sample solution is introduced into the plasma as an aerosol by aspirating by a nebulizer. The solution gets desolvated in the plasma.
4. Ablated particles of solid sample is introduced into the plasma by a carrier gas.
5. The ions formed in the plasma are typically positive ions (M+, M+2). Negative ions, such as F–, Cl–, I–, etc. difficult to analyse by ICP-MS.
6. Detection and analysis capabilities will vary with the sample matrix, which may affect the degree of ionization in the plasma or allow the formation of species that may isobarically interfere with the analyte.
7. Ions from the plasma are brought into the mass spectrometer as an ion beam via Ni or Pt interface cones. The ion extraction interface comprises sample cone, skimmer cone and electrostatic ion extraction lens. Sample cone has a hole of ~1 mm dia and skimmer cone has a hole of ~ 0.45 mm at the centre.
8. The interface transfers the ions from atmospheric pressure (1–2 torr) into the vacuum region of the mass spectrometer (<1 x 10-5 torr).
9. The ion beam coming from the interface enters a Collison–Reaction Cell (CRC), where isobaric interferences are removed. Collision gas is helium and reaction gas (optional) can be hydrogen, ammonia, etc.
10. The ion beam then enters the quadrupole mass filter, where ions are separated based on their mass-to-charge (m/z) ratio.
11. The quadrupole comprise two pairs of cylindrical rods (~ 1 cm dia; 15–20 cm long). AC and DC voltages are applied to the opposite pairs of rods. By varying the voltages, only the ions with a particular m/z ratio are allowed to pass through the quadrupole at a time.
12. The quadrupole is a sequential mass filter that can separate up to 2400 amu (atomic mass units) per second! Because of this high speed, the quadrupole ICP-MS can be considered as a pseudo-simultaneous instrument.
13.The ability to filter ions on their mass-to-charge ratio allows ICP-MS to supply isotopic information, since different isotopes of the same element have different masses.
14. Ions transmitted through the quadrupole are finally directed to the detector. The detector is a secondary ion multiplier comprising a series of dynodes that enable secondary emission of electrons exponentially at each step along the way and amplify the signal.
15. An internal standard is used to monitor signal drift and signal suppression due to matrix effect.
95 cm long, 80 cm wide, 110 cm high
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
Appointment will be given as per queue and will be informed by email.
External users have to contact the Faculty-in-Charge with copy to Facility Operator (Mr. Prem Verma) by email before registration.
Minimum two days’ prior intimation should be given if user needs to cancel/postpone an allotted slot
1. Sample should be submitted in solution form.
2. The concentration of analyte in sample solutions should be less than 100 ppb.
3. HF must have been evaporated completely or neutralized by boric acid.
4.The TDS in sample solutions should not be more than 200 ppm. Dilute accordingly.
5. Sample solutions must have been filtered through 0.22 µ filter prior to the day of analysis.
6. Final acid concentration in the sample solution must be less than 1%.
7. Blank solution should be provided with sample solutions.
1. Generally 10 ml of solution is sufficient for estimation.
2. For specific samples like rocks/ores, appropriate standards along with the samples should be submitted by user.
3. Explosive, poisonous, and organic samples will not be accepted.
4. Internal standard should be put in sample solutions, blank solution and standard solution.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
1. Detection and quantification of elements including REE, precious metals, and heavy metals at low levels.
2. Materials for analysis can be:
(a) Water; (b) Rock, soil, fly ash; (c) Environmental samples including particulate matter from air; (d) Polymers, drugs and drug bases; (e) Biological samples like urine, tooth, bone, etc.
Sample Details
Less than 1% acid in the final concentration. No organic chemicals.
Not applicable
Not applicable
Sample solution must be prepared in clean lab to avoid contamination.