- Microscopy and Imaging » Confocal Microscopy
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
The High-throughput Imaging Facility provides a high-speed multi-channel imaging technique with significantly lower photobleaching than a conventional Point Scanning Laser Confocal Microscope.
This is a compact and fast confocal system that uses Aurox’s patented structured spinning disc and illumination technology to achieve high-resolution and high-quality confocal images.
- The resolution is about 300nm X 300nm in X-Y and 0.6um in Z direction.
- The laser-free confocal unit is coupled to an IX83 Olympus microscope.
- On-stage incubation system with temperature and CO2 control for long-time live cell imaging.
- Aurox spinning disk uses a grid pattern instead of pin holes for optical sectioning to achieve >50% light efficiency with the speed of a spinning disk.
- Low photo-bleaching
- Advanced image analysis software
- Full 5D confocal imaging control.
- Imaging across the scales with Clarity - 1000 microns to 0.2 microns
High compact and easy to use.
Working Principle:-
The unique optical system inside the Clarity LFC allows capturing of the images both transmitted (T) and reflected (R) by the disc to easily differentiate between in-focus+ out of Focus and out-of-focus information. Computer subtraction of these images (T–R) creates a sectioned image whereby all out-of-focus blur is effectively suppressed and only the sharp in-focus image of the sample is retained.
Using a spinning disk as the modulator/demodulator virtually eliminates residual imaging artifacts. This structured illumination pattern is used to both modulate the illumination field and demodulate the light emerging from the sample.
Aurox Confocal mode:
•Aurox patented structured illumination spinning disk
•NanoSRRF (Super Resolution Radial Fluctuations) Deconvolution
•Hamamtsu Fusion BT
•High end Xeon W-2245 core workstation
•sCMOS Hamamatsu Flash 4 V3 (95% QE) with Camera Link
•Cool LED pE 800 Light Source
Fluorescence microscope mode:
•Olympus IX83 with motorized X-Y-Z and Magnification of
10X /0.3NA (air), 40X /0.60 NA (air), 60X /1.42NA (oil), 100X /1.45NA(oil)
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
Internal users:
Users within IIT Bombay can apply online. Users are encouraged to be present during analysis by making a prior appointment. If a user cannot be present, a mail should be sent immediately to saranya@iitb.ac.in along with the details of the sample as mentioned in the form
- The slot is for 2 hours, the charges mentioned are per slot.
- The experimental data provided is only for research/development purposes. These cannot be used as certificates in legal disputes.
External users:-
Users can send an email to saranya@iitb.ac.in to apply for a slot.
1. Seal the fixed samples between the glass slide and the cover slip.
2. When applying for a slot, please specify the fluorophores used in your sample, including their excitation and emission spectra.
3. Live samples should be in glass coverslip-bottom Petri dishes or 6, 12, 24, and 48 well plates.
4. Please use imaging Petri dishes with coverslip bottoms if oil immersion objectives are to be used.
Instructions for users: -
- Standard slot durations are for 2 hours for fixed samples.
- USB drives are strictly prohibited to minimize virus-related issues. The data can be shared in the cloud. All data must be transferred within 7 days of imaging. Without exception.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Charges for Internal and External Users of High-throughput Imaging Facility@ BSBE
1 slot = 2hrs
Category | User Charges (INR) per slot* |
TA’s for the facility | 200 |
IIT Bombay Students | 400 |
Other Academic Institutes | 800 + 18% GST |
National Labs | 2000+ 18%GST |
Industrial User | 4000+ 18% GST |
Start-up (SINE incubation) | 2000 + 18% GST |
Monash IITB | 400 +18%GST |
SAARCS countries and African Countries (Low-income Countries) | Academic 2000 |
Industries 4000 | |
Other Countries | Academic 4000 |
Industries 8000 |
- Live cell time lapse imaging
- Fast dynamic imaging
- Fixed cell imaging
- Developmental Biology
- Plant Biology
- Stem cell research
- Bioluminescent proteins
Sample Details
SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details