High resolution X-ray diffraction system
High resolution X-ray diffraction system at Physics Facillity
Rigaku diffractometer
Facility Status
Date of Installation
Facility Management Division
Institute Central Research Facilities (ICRF)


  • Diffraction » X-ray Diffraction

Booking Details

Booking available for
Internal and External Both
Available Mode for Use
High resolution microstructural characterization of thin films
High Resolution powder measurements
In-plane measurements

Facility Management Team and Location

Faculty In Charge
Prof. Subhabrata Dhar
Facility Operator
Rajendra K. Saroj
Prof. Subhabrata Dhar
Prof. R S Srinivasa
Prof. S S Major
Prof. S Vitta
Prof. R Murugavel
Prof. M Senthil Kumar
Prof. Sagar Mitra
Prof. Shaibal K. Sarkar
Prof. Suddhasatta Mahapatra
LAB Email ID
Facility Location
Room No. 016, Ground Floor, Department of Physics IIT Bombay, Powai Mumbai 400076
Lab Phone No

Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications

Features Working Principle
  • High resolution microstructural characterization of thin films
    • ω-scan/Rocking curves [RC]
    • High resolution ω-2θ using analysers (two bounce or four bound analyser in the diffraction beam optics) [HRω-2θ]
    • Reciprocal space mapping [RSM]
    • ϕ-scan
  • Reflectivity
    • Reflectivity measurement [Reflectivity]
  • High Resolution powder measurements
    • θ-2θ using Johnson mirror [HR-powder]
    • Glancing angle diffraction [GLD]
  • In-plane measurements
    • ϕ-scan/rocking curves [In-RC]
    • 2θx-ϕ scan
  • High intensity x-ray source (9 kW rotating anode source)i
  • Parallel beam optics. (useful for microstructural characterization)
  • High resolution goniometer with △θ ▯ 0.0001 Deg as compared to 0.001 Deg for the standard XRD systems.
  • In-plane goniometer (useful for in-plane microstructural studies for the thinfilms)

X-ray beam is allowed to fall on the sample and the angles (θ) associated with diffraction maxima [as well as intensity distribution about the maxima] occurring due to different lattice planes are recorded. (θ) is related to the lattice spacing d through Bragg condition 2d Sinθ=nλ where λ is the x-ray wavelength. Information about the lattice structure as well as crystalline quality of a material can be obtained by measuring the angular distribution of intensity about the maxima.

Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions, Precautionary Measures and Charges

Instruction for Sample Preparation

Following type of samples cannot be handled

(i) Health hazardous samples 

(ii) Liquid samples


  • Microstructural characterization of epitaxial films
  • Phase determination and texture analysis of polycrystalline samples with higher accuracy.
  • Reflectivity measurements: layer thickness, composition, roughness of thinfilms

Sample Details

SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details

