Fluorescence Spectrofluorometer
Horriba, Jobin Vyon
Fluorolog -3 (Purchased in 2006)
Facility Status
Date of Installation
Facility Management Division
Sophisticated Analytical Instrument Facility (SAIF)



  • Spectroscopy and Spectrometry ยป Optical Spectroscopy

Booking Details

Booking available for
Internal and External Both

Facility Management Team and Location

Facility In Charge
Dr. Mayuri Gandhi
email ID- mngandhi@iitb.ac.in
Facility Manager
Dr. Mayuri Gandhi
Facility Operator
Pallavi Khapre
email ID-pallaviag@iitb.ac.in
Lab Email ID
mngandhi@iitb.ac.in , pallaviag@iitb.ac.in
Facility Location
Lab Phone No
022-2159 6869

Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications

Features Working Principle

Specifications : Wavelength Range - 200 to 1500 nm
  Monochromator - 2 in series on excitation side and 1 - 1 each on visible and NIR side emission side
  Light Source - 450 W Xenon Lamp
  Scanning Speed - 150 nm/sec
  Wavelength Accuracy - 0.5 nm
  Integration time -1ms to 160 s
  Detectors: visible (200-800nm)-PMT and NIR (800-1500nm)-Liq.N2 cooled InGaAs


     1. Single Cell liquid Holder 
     2. Solid Sample Holder 
     3. Two Lasers 800nm and 980 nm are available for upconversion measuments 

Working Principle 

It is a rapid and sensitive method for the characterization of molecular components present in a sample. Fluorescence spectroscopy is a type of electromagnetic spectroscopy which analyzes fluorescent molecules. It exploits the phenomenon of electron excitation upon collision with high energy particles like photons and other excited electrons. In the process of transition of polyatomic fluorescent molecules (fluorophores) from their higher energy level (excited state) to a ground state by lowering their energy level, photons are emitted. Fluorophores play the most important role in fluorescence spectroscopy. Fluorophores are the components in molecules that impart fluorescence. Mostly, fluorophores are the molecules which contain aromatic rings such as tyrosine, tryptophan, fluorescein, etc. 

Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures

Instructions for Registration

Kindly refer to the SAIF site for instruction for registration

User Instructions and Precautionary Measures

 Kindly download Analysis Request Form and Safety Data sheet and submit the hardcopy of filled sheet along with your sample

1. Provide solid samples in the powder form. Minimum required amount is approximately 40-50mg. 
2. Samples may be in liquid form. The required minimum amount is 2-3 ml. 
3. Samples can be submitted as thin film, Solid pellets, powder etc. 
4. MS-DS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be given along with samples to ensure that there sample being given. Samples should not be toxic or hazardous. 
5. Samples will not be accepted unless MSDS is provided. 
6. Please send or submit Sample Details Form along with requisition letter and DD. -->

Fluorescence spectrofluorometer-system charges includes GST:

 IndustryUniversityNational Lab/R&D'sIIT Bombay Users 
Fluroescence specrtofluorometer1180/-236/-531 /-100/-Per Sample


Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories


Medical diagnostics 
DNA sequencing 
Genetic analysis 
Qualitative and quantitative analysis 

Sample Details

SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details
