- Microscopy and Imaging » Electron Microscopy
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
Model: JSM- IT 800(SHL)
Resolution: 0.5nm at 15kV
0.7nm at 1kV
Accelerating Voltage: 0.01 to 30kV
The JSM-IT800 incorporates “In-lens Schottky Plus field emission electron gun" for high resolution imaging and an innovative electron optical control system "Neo Engine" with high and low vacuum mode.
The integrated In-Lens Schottky Plus and low aberration condenser lens achieves high beam brightness. Ample probe current (100nA@5kV) is available even at low accelerating voltage. This allows the user to perform high resolution observation, high speed elemental mapping, EBSD analysis and Soft X-ray analysis with minimal adjustment of SEM parameters.
It is equipped with multiple detectors such as Secondary Electron detector, Variable back-scattered detector, Upper Hybrid Detector, Upper Electron Detector which helps to observe variety of materials. Instrument has an attachment of Ultim Max 6.5 EDS and Symmetry S2 EBSD which delivers data with high speed without compromising quality. Aztech sofware has a unique feature of live chemical imaging along with routine point/Area Analysis and mapping.
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
- Registration through request form is mandatory to avail the facility.
- Kindly provide all the inputs mentioned in the request form.
- Bring a CD/DVD for data collection. Ensure you back up your data every time. The data is deleted routinely from the hard disk. (No USB/Online data transfer is allowed)
- Data analysis is also not under scope of the facility usage. The data analysis may be facilitated through an additional desktop loaded with required software packages for EDS and EBSD but on a slot booking basis.
- Kindly be present on time for the slot given; otherwise, the allotted slot is subject to cancel and will be charged.
- Facility is available for microscopic examinations only, and the sample preparation (including sputtering/electropolishing) is not under scope of this facility usage. It is solely the user’s responsibility to come up with a well-prepared sample(s).
- Sample dimensions will be 10mmX10mmX10mm max if you wish to do multiple samples at a time
- The samples should be dry and should withstand ultra-high vacuum
- Samples leaving loose particles will not be entertained.
- Please mention in the request form if your samples needs special handling.
- It is mandatory for the user to acknowledge CSIF- IoE funded Dual Vacuum HR SEM facility at Dept. of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, IIT Bombay, in their publications and thesis and communicate the same to the laboratory.
- The user should be present at the time of the slot
- Slots will be provided as per the queue.
- The slot cancellation/ postponements by e-mail intimation only and at least one day in advance.
- Please note that only one request will be accepted at a time and after the completion only you may apply for the next one.