- Material Characterization » Chemical Characterisation
Booking Details
• Temperature Programmed Desorption (TPD).
• Temperature Programmed Oxidation (TPO).
Facility Management Team and Location
email ID:- nagarkarss@iitb.ac.in,
Contact No:- 022-2576 7190
email ID:- darshansmhatre@iitb.ac.in,
Contact No:- 022-2576 4159
Prof. Sanjog S. Nagarkar.
Prof. Chidambar Kulkarni.
Prof. Narendra Shiradkar (Electrical Eng).
Prof. Ateeque Malani (Chemical Eng).
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
The ChemBET Pulsar is a fully automated chemisorption analyzer designed for high-precision titration and surface characterization. The system is equipped with TPRWin software, allowing for programmed analysis sequences, including metal area and dispersion determination. An automatic loop injector and gas switching enhance accuracy and efficiency. The Pulsar uses a highly sensitive Thermal Conductivity Detector (TCD), resistant to oxidation and ammonia, ensuring baseline stability and reproducible signals. The system is optimized for a wide range of gases, with high-temperature quartz sample cells and in-cell thermocouples for accurate sample temperature measurement.
Chemisorption is a chemical adsorption process that involves the formation of a chemical bond between an adsorbent and an adsorbate
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
An appointment will be given as per the queue and will be informed by email.
New users are requested to contact the facility before registration.
At least 48 hrs prior information should be given to the facility lab if users want to cancel the/postpone the slot
Sample should be dry, and only solid samples in the form of powder are accepted.
Explosive and poisonous sample is not allowed
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Internal User | Rs. 100/- Per sample |
External User (Academic) | Rs. 200/- Per sample |
External User (National labs) | Rs. 400/- Per sample |
External Users (Industry & Non-Govt. Agency) | Rs. 500/- Per sample |
Note: 70 % of instrument time will be reserved for internal samples. | |
Charges for TA as per institute norm. |
Sample Details
Sample should be well dried and in pure form