- Spectroscopy and Spectrometry ยป Optical Spectroscopy
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
Alpha II is very compact ATR-FTIR spectrometer for quick, easy and reliable IR analysis.
Features/ Accessories:
- Diamond ATR
- Spectral Range: 4000-500 cm-1
- Rock Solid Cube Corner Interferometer
- Detector: Temperature controlled DLATGS detector
- Spectral range : 2 cm-1 or better
- Optics: ZnSe Beamsplitter and ZnSe windows
- Demountable transmission cells with circular CaF2 windows
An attenuated total reflection accessory operates by measuring the changes that occur in a totally internally reflected infrared beam when the beam comes into contact with a sample. An infrared beam is directed onto an crystal with a high refractive index at a certain angle. This internal reflectance creates an evanescent wave that extends beyond the surface of the crystal into the sample held in contact with the crystal. The sample absorbs IR energy. The attenuated energy from each evanescent wave is passed back to the IR beam, which then exits the opposite end of the crystal and is passed to the detector in the IR spectrometer which generates an infrared spectrum.
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
User must contact the Technical operator before booking slot and discuss the experimental parameter like Scanning Range, Number of Scan, Nature of Sample etc
- If Any reference material, is to be supplied by the user
- Provide solid samples in the fine powder form.
- In case any additional Chemicals/ materials required for recording the samples, Charges would be additional.
MS-DS (Material Safety Data Sheet) should be given along with samples. Samples should not be toxic or hazardous.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Type of analysis
| IITB users | Academic institutes | National R&D lab | Industries / Non-Govt. Agencies |
Sample Charges
| 100 | 200 | 500 | 1000 |
All charges in INR. For external samples, in addition to above basic charges prevailing GST will be added.
Sample Details
SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details