- Fabrication and Processing » Nanofabrication
Booking Details
Facility Management Team and Location
Facility Features, Working Principle and Specifications
Facility Description
The 3D Laser Lithography is a 3D printer based on two-photon polymerization (2PP) and designed for ultra-precise and rapid nano and microfabrication. It combines flexibility in design with straightforward operation. Therefore, it is an ideal instrument for science and prototyping in multi-user facilities and research laboratories.
A Phenom tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is available for inspecting printed structures. Internal users can access the SEM by submitting a slot request through Drona, with the request form provided alongside the 3D Lithography facility.
Lateral feature size: 200nm
Lateral resolution: 500nm
Working Principle:
3D Printing uses Two-Photon Polymerization (2PP) technology to fabricate three-dimensional micro and nanostructures using photo-sensitive materials based on direct laser writing.
A necessary condition for two photons of near-infrared light being absorbed simultaneously is a sufficiently high light intensity that is provided by a femtosecond pulsed laser beam. Typically, the laser is focused on the resin, and two-photon polymerization (2PP) is triggered only in the focal spot volume, where the light intensity exceeds a polymerization threshold. The resin is otherwise transparent to the wavelength of the photons.
The smallest printable 3D volume is termed a voxel, which is analogous to a 2D pixel. Moving the laser focus along a trajectory in all three dimensions enables the printing of structures built from multiple voxels and printed lines. This technology enables the printing of structures with small, medium, and large feature sizes in 3D as well as 2D patterns.
Instructions for Registration, Sample Preparation, User Instructions and Precautionary Measures
For Internal Users:
Only online registration via the Drona IRCC website will be accepted. Users should email their designs to 3dlitho@iitb.ac.in or lithography3d@gmail.com
For External Users:
The user can send an email to the following email id for assistance.
3dlitho@iitb.ac.in or lithography3d@gmail.com
The external user request form is provided below:-
- The design should be emailed to 3dlitho@iitb.ac.in in STL format to assess its feasibility and calculate the fabrication charges.
- Charges will be determined based on the fabrication time required for the structure.
- The resin and substrate will be supplied.
- External users can refer to the "User Instructions" document for details on charges and payment information.
Charges for Analytical Services in Different Categories
Life sciences
Integrated photonics
Materials engineering
Micromechanics and MEMS
Sample Details
Currently, the 3D lithography system is optimized for the following substrates only:
Borosilicate glass coverslips of 30mm diameter, for nano-level printing.
Fused silica substrates of 25 X 25mm and thickness of 0.7mm for nano-level printing.
ITO-coated glass substrates of 25 X 25mm and thickness of 0.7mm for micro-level printing
Si wafer 2" and 5" for micro-level printing
- ITO-coated glass - 25mm X 25 mm X 0.7mm, Resistivity 100 Ohms
- Fused silica substrates of 25 X 25mm and thickness of 0.7mm
- Borosilicate coverslips - 30mm diameter, 170um thickness
- Si wafer - 2" or 5"
SOP, Lab Policies and Other Details
- Sweta Rani, Arun Jaiswal, Rahul Kumar Das, Gaurav Pratap Singh, Ajinkya Palwe, Sumit Saxena, Wenlong Cheng, and Shobha Shukla*. “Fabrication of All-dielectric, 3D Chiral Metamaterial Using Two-photon Lithography”. Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science 2023 (FiO, LS) Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper JM7A.6
- Sweta Rani, Arun Jaiswal, Rahul Kumar Das, Gaurav Pratap Singh, Ajinkya Palwe, Sumit Saxena, Wenlong Cheng, and Shobha Shukla*. “Femtosecond-Laser Assisted Fabrication of Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystal Slab”. Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2023), paper JM7A.37
- Pillai MM, Ajesh S, Tayalia P*. “Two-photon polymerization based reusable master template to fabricate polymer microneedles for drug delivery”. MethodsX. 2023. 102025, ISSN 2215-0161.
- Indian patent application no.202221036495- “A method of producing a template and negative mold for microneedle array” filed on 24 June 2022.